6. Meeting – Creating a project plan
We finally met again one month after our 5-day online forum. In the last meeting, we decided that we would be working on a project together, but we still did not know what that project would be, so today we presented our ideas to each other. After exposing our thoughts, we ended up agreeing on…
Read MoreDay 5 – Lack of Leadership
During the last session of the summer school the topic discussed was “Lack of Leadership in EU Institutions – Looking for a better framework for common decision-making” The EU has entered an era of transformation, facing challenges of a global scale and facing a rise in nationalism and populism and with the legitimacy of the…
Read MoreDay 4 – Human Rights and the Migrant and Refugee Crises
Topic: ‘Human Rights and the Migrant and Refugee Crisis: Treatment of asylum-seekers in Europe’ The keynote speech focused on exploring how the EU has dealt with the large numbers of asylum seekers entering or attempting to enter its space from 2015 until today. The general framework to which it was connected was the dilemma between…
Read MoreDay 3 – What is Europe?
What is Europe? For citizens of EU member states the EU is often equal to Europe and vice versa. However, Europe spans further and covers European countries that made the deliberate choice to either stay out of the EU from the very beginning, such as Switzerland, or leave in tge process, such as the UK.…
Read MoreDay 2 – Bubbles and Collaborations
We are diving into critical discussions, questions of self-reflection about privilege and ideas for sustainable change. After focussing on philosophical and anthropologist approaches to the definition of collaboration and being more than just an individual in a sealed and closed space, but rather always being a part of bigger pictures, encounters and relations with other…
Read MoreDay 1 – First look and many questions
Today was our first meeting on the sailing ship called “Zoom”. After introducing ourselves and our houseplants we started the meeting with a little game to break the ice. We searched for an object in our room that represented our idea of being European. It became very clear that all of us had very different…
Read More5. Online Meeting
After four days of getting to know each other, inspiring discussions and thought-provoking questions the first part of the our online summer school has been coming to an end. We used the day to reflect on our take-aways and our feelings regarding the past four days. Our team discussions revolved around topics such as the…
Read More3. Online Meeting
We entered the third day looking at populism – through the lens of political parties across Europe – hoping to find answers or at least clues for the rising success of this ‘ideology’. First, we delved into the definition of populism, but we quickly ran into some issues finding a clear and well-structured definition…
Read More2. Online Meeting
Day 2 – our discussions are getting on deeper level. Today‘s topic was why many Europeans lost connection to Europe. We‘ve saw and heard how European identity is being defined by philosopher Jürgen Habermas, how many people feel European in Europe and which factors determine your identity. It was hard to give a clear picture…
Read More1. Online Meeting
And so it begins. Ahead of us await many more online meetings, deep conversations about Europe (and life) and a 10-day sailing adventure. We are all surely going to be spending a lot of time together, so we needed to get familiar with one another, and that is why we started our first meeting by…
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