5. Online Meeting
After four days of getting to know each other, inspiring discussions and thought-provoking questions the first part of the our online summer school has been coming to an end.
We used the day to reflect on our take-aways and our feelings regarding the past four days.
Our team discussions revolved around topics such as the European identity, Neocolonialism, Populism or the currents threats to Europe. During the past days, different ideas, concepts and definitons on these topics were exchanged and even though, opinions differed, we were able to close our discussions off with a set of recommendations and reflection points for us to take home.
Every team member brought in their full self and their expertise to the table, which enriched the discussions even more.
We used the second part to brainstorm and come up with a mutual project idea. Stay tuned and follow our logbook entries to learn more about the upcoming project!