“By taking part in the Summer School, we’ve all created memories for life. We’ve literally been in the same boat for a whole week – but not necessarily opinion-wise. We’ve had the most interesting talks and I am incredibly thankful for how much this experience has changed my look on things.”
Lara Limberger
Hi, I’m Lara. I was born in Munich (right in the heart of Bavaria) in the nineties. If Munich was a person, it would be a very happy and beautiful one. However, despite of my picture perfect hometown I always felt the urge to explore the world and get to know new cultures. Right after graduating highschool I volunteered in South Africa to save penguins (yes, they live on the beach) and never stopped traveling ever since. I’ve stuffed Pinatas for children in Guatemala, cooked Cambodian pancakes in a small village or tried to weave my own carpet in India.
However, being a European citizen, I never had to travel too far to find exciting new people – while having a feeling of “togetherness”. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to define a “European culture”, but I would definitely call it a feeling.
Today, I am about to finish my masters and hope to pursue a career in marketing for a cause I believe in.
Facebook: Lara Nadine
Instagram: lara.nadine