Day 2 – Ghost Bays and White Rabbits 🌊⛵⛰️
The journey continues… With blue waters under and clear skies over the Farmont project group finds themselves en route towards a small hidden „ghost“ bay. Today, the morning was started with the first of many presentations intended to expand the passengers‘ worldviews, „Gender inequality“ by Emily. We enjoyed the views of the Turkish shoreline, bathed in the Sun and swam in the water of the ghost bay in full view of the white rabbits and geese native to the Island. Under the starry sky, we finished off our day with some discussions and went to sleep.
We needed to gather and save strength for the journey ahead and the arrival into a new country – an effort you can keep up with with a single folllow!
#sailing #cruise #turkey #greece #international #cooperation #germany #italy #lithuania #denmark #finland #serbiaWe got up early in the morning