4. Day – Nisyros – Vulcano Trip
After extensive negotiations with the captain, we won the right to wake up at 7.10am!
🌋Nysiros is home to an active volcano, and has the fourth biggest caldera in the world caused by hydrothermic activity. It was an amazing experience and we danced in the caldera (centre of the crater) to the simmering smell of sulphur.
Afterwards, we went snorkelling at a beach with interesting black volcanic sand, saw different beautiful colours of fishes and Kayla was lucky enough to spot an octopus hiding below.
With coffees and yes, volcano themed cakes, Anida led her keynote about the role of the youth and civil society in peace building, which later morphed into a heated discussion about cultural and generation differences about physical punishment. We also agreed that if we were to join a religion, it would be Andreology. This would entail “Stand up early and stay stressed, things will get even schlimmer”
Today was the hottest days we’ve experienced, we sweated from places we didn’t even know had sweat glands.
As if we weren’t sweating enough, our next stop was all squashing in at a natural sauna. We also visited an abandoned village and took our band photos and looked deeply in every hole.
One of the best things about our group is that the discussions are never limited to formal sessions, and we enjoyed a late night chat of all sorts of deep topics in the darkness of the deck.