Day 8 – If you want to fold the sails, you have to be quick

Last sailing day: After a turbulent night on the ship with strong winds and celebrating neighbors, we set sails for a last trip towards Rhodes. Unlike the other days, Rasmus accepted our prayers for strong winds… although he might took it a bit to serious with wind strength 7. But after several days of training we are proud to confirm: No seasickness reported!
During our sailing trip we had unexpected visitors coming from the Aegean sea. Three dolphins greeted us on our trip and we had the opportunity to have a short “chat” with them.
After arriving in Rhodes, we started our last mission: Cleaning our lovely “Marleen” that was our home for 10 days and took us more than 120 miles in the Aegean Sea.
Quote of the day: “Is it Titanic or plastic bag mood?”