Day 1 – First look and many questions
Today was our first meeting on the sailing ship called “Zoom”. After introducing ourselves and our houseplants we started the meeting with a little game to break the ice. We searched for an object in our room that represented our idea of being European. It became very clear that all of us had very different professions by how we explained what being European meant to us. Nevertheless to me it seemed like we all cherish the European idea and I thought that it would be very interesting to see where an interactive discussion would go. That’s why I decided to give just a little introduction into the topic of my keynote speech, the European movement and current challenges, and follow it up by asking questions about the topic into the group. There were many very interesting and educational answers which were mostly followed up by even more questions. That’s why we decided to document this first meeting by summarizing the questions everyone of us had regarding the original question.

European movement
In what way do you benefit from the European Union?
Are we part of the European movement?
What does the European movement mean, particularly for those outside the EU borders?
What does my benefit as an EU citizen mean for others who are not citizens of the EU?
Current challenges
*Corona Pandemic *
Did the development of the European movement pause or even make a step backwards during the corona pandemic?
How can the response to the COVID-19 response (politically and economically) be understood in the context of weakening EU solidarity?
How can weakening EU solidarity be analyzed in light of Russian and Chinese ambitions in the european space?
Do you think that GB could act as an example for other members to leave the EU?
If there would be a referendum in your country on whether to stay in (or join) the EU or leave, how would you think the majority of the population would decide?
How can we turn the tide so that members want to stay in the EU because the EU is a truly exemplary community and not out of fear of economic collapse or geopolitical loss?
Carbon Neutrality & Recycling (Climate change)
Do you think that at the moment (with the other two challenges in mind) there are more important goals to achieve than a green deal?
How can the Green New Deal be pursuit simultaneously as other priorities in the EU?
How can we move the Green New Deal from the “progressive” agenda into the mainstream EU agenda?
Hopefully we will have the chance to answer and discuss the new questions on our sailing trip next year.
With this in mind: “tschüüüüüüüss” (read that word as long as Jonah would take to count down from three) and see you tomorrow!
(by Franka)