6. Day – Karin the unicorn

Sailing day – we woke up with the first morning call today (but maybe just because Andreas yelled “reise reise reise reise” so we got up as quickly as we could). Soon after a quick morning swim we found ourselves in the middle of the #sea
We had a discussion about Spanish #bull-fighting and whether this practice could be considered art. Do we need to prove our control of nature by abusing it and hurting it? Maybe by letting go of human superiority we realize our true relation to it. Just slightly after turning off our motors to start #sailing, a friendly group of #dolphins came to greet us and swim together with our boat!
Eventually, we arrived to the island of Tilos and anchored close to the shore. We inflated the water unicorn who was named Karin by unanimous vote and had a nurturing bath. After that we continued our conversations from yesterday, discussing even further who and what we are, and later took a motor boat to the coast where we had dinner and found fruit for tomorrow’s breakfast.
Fish, lizards, dolphins, unicorns, annoying flies and stars – these islands seem to be thriving with nature. Sometimes one must just choose to sit in the sun, observe and embrace it. 
Now it’s on us – to take care of the ship this night while singing songs under the starry sky… let’s see where we are tomorrow.
P.s. for future sailing crews: ask captain Andreas, why the unicorn is named Karin.